

                        Mars is the 4th planted away from the sun.  Compared to the Earth it is significantly smaller. Its temperatures are much more radical than on Earth. mars can reach temperatures of extreme cold and heat. Like Earth, there is evidnece that with the water it once had it at one point had a atmosphere and supported life. A theory is that the planet is a lot older than Earth and that Mars’s core gave out. It than died and the atmosphere dimminished. With its red rich rocks and sand, it is very rich in iron. We have actually been able to send space rovers to Mars and brining evidence back of fossilized bacteria or in other words organic fossils.

By benscore

Extra Terrestrial life influencing Earth


For many years as we have looked back at our ancestors and have come along certain findings that we ourselves can’t describe today. One of these is the pyrimids of Egpyt. Today we still have trouble coming up with simulations on how they did this with the primitive tools they had at the time. Obviously this one thing does not prove this but more evidence is revealed. the Pyrimids of Giza align exactly with the constellation of Orian.  Another cool thing is at Stonehenge, Pillar shaped rocks that weigh over 50 tons each. This would have been impossible for them to position at the time, and especially stack them. Even we would have severe trouble doing this.

By benscore

Orians Belt


Orians Belt is a constellation that is visible from the Earth. It consist of the three very bright stars Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka. If you wish to see them at their best and you live in the northern hemisphere, the best time to look for thim is in the early days of winter. Another interesting fact about Orians belt is that it preciesly lines up dot by dot wit the three pyrimds of Giza. Also at this time when the pyrimds were finished around 10450 BC, the Nile river would have corresponded with the Milky Way.


By benscore


Titan is the largest moon of Saturn. Titan was first discovered by Chrstiaan Huygens in 1655. Besides it just being the largest moon of Saturn, it is also uniquely like Mars and Earth. All three of these places have evidence of water. Titan’s terrain is of rocky material along with vast Polar Regions. These Polar Regions contain hydrocarbon lakes. Titan’s atmosphere contains nitrogen, methane, and ethane. Titan’s surface is also known to contain extraordinary ice volcanoes. Compared to Earth’s moon, Titan is 50% wider in diameter and 80% more massive. To give you a better figure, it’s the second largest moon in our solar system.


By benscore



Nebulae are clouds of dust made up of hydrogen, helium, and ionized gases. Nebulae form from Stars. There are several kinds of Nebulae and each one has their own unique ionized gas composition and color. One kind of Nebula is the result of a star going supernova. When this happens the collapsed dust will from into a Nebula. A Planetary Nebula is the second type and this also forms from a star. Although instead of the star going super nova, it dissipates as it loses its outer later and begins to emmite ultra violet radiation. Once the star has broken down enough it forms a nebula.

By benscore


asteroid-sizes-100831-02Asteroids are chunks of rubble that in our Galaxy orbit around our Sun. Asteroids are a helpful ways to distinguish between the solid planets and the gas planets because the asteroid belt is enclosed around the four solid planets which is Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. This leaves the gas planets on the other side of the belt which is Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune. Asteroids have been known to run into Earth on many occasions and sometimes even daily, the reason why we don’t hear about this is because they are just such small asteroids that they burn up before getting through our atmosphere.

By benscore

Worm holes


              In physics, a wormhole is like a short cut through time and space. With worm holes there is two possible theories of what they do. The fist theory is a time portal. In this theory, A wormhole if something travels into it, will be transported either back in time or into the future almost instantly at the same spot. The second theory is that it is like a short cut through space and almost redefines physics. In this scenario, if traveled into, it will transport the object to a different location in the galaxy or maybe even the universe.

By benscore

Dark Matter

Image   It is surprising that people don’t know too much about Dark matter because it is part of the 90% of our galaxy. The reason may be because Dark matter is invisible to our eyes and to many of the instruments we use today. Although we are not completely hopeless on our search for dark matter. Tools like using infrared technology and the Hubble telescope is helping us to understand dark matter better. Another key way for finding dark matter is gravity. Gravity is what binds a galaxy together so naturally it’s a good start for finding dark matter. The visible matter we see that are calculated for holding Galaxies and even the Universe together, just doesn’t seem to be enough. We think that dark matter is the key to this. The invisible force would prove to fit the facts for why the gravitational forces have been able to be so strong.   

By benscore

Black Holes

ImageOne of the mysteries of the great Universe is the secrets of the Black holes. Although they are so mysterious there is a few things we know about them. They result from a stars death when they go supernova. After a supernova occurs the star will either become a neutron star or a black hole. When it is a black hole it becomes a monstrosity that can suck in just about anything. Black holes are like a vacuum. They have a gravitational pull that breaks all other sources of gravity and sucks in all matter. Even light cannot escape these holes. But the most fascinating question that we wonder all the time is what happens when something or someone enters a black hole?  Is it a portal? Can you reach another side? Or does matter simply crush and condense itself within a black hole? Hopefully one day we find out.


By benscore

ImageStars are the reason us humans exist. The one we look up to is called the sun. The sun is the name we humans have given to the closest star to us. Stars are like the engines for life, literally. Stars work like an engine. There composition is mainly hydrogen and helium, which are two of the factors or building blocks for life. There are many kinds of stars and stages they go through, and what I find especially fascinating , is the ending life of a star. When a star is near its death it forms into a Red Giant. A Red giant is when the core of the star slows dramatically and you can see the light fading from it and when it does there are two thing that could happen. One of these is a supernova. A supernova is when the star explodes emitting mass amounts of radiation and luminous enough to outshine a entire galaxy. Alternative number two is that it turns into  a planetary nebula and then slowly dissipates into a white dwarf which is the barley lighted core of a star.


Stars are the r…

By benscore